Nippon Express

Learn how Nippon Express, a global logistics company, streamlined its mandatory energy assessments with Energy Oasis. We provided them with SECR and ESOS reporting solutions, along with holistic energy management practices implementation. This case study showcases the power of simplified energy assessments and comprehensive energy management solutions with Energy Oasis.

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JT Atkinson

Explore Energy Oasis' successful collaboration with JT Atkinson, showcasing how our comprehensive energy management solutions, including solar PV and LED lighting upgrades, led to significant energy savings and reduced costs. Learn about our tailored approach, innovative technologies, and impressive results, and see how we can help your organisation achieve similar success.

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Renewable Energy Generation & Storage Stephanie Talbot Renewable Energy Generation & Storage Stephanie Talbot

EM Rogers

Discover how Energy Oasis helped EM Rogers, a leading vehicle storage and delivery solutions provider, achieve energy independence and reduce costs with our innovative solar power solutions. Learn about the strategies we employed, the results we achieved, and how we can do the same for your business. Harness solar power for a secure energy future with Energy Oasis.

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North Farm - Northamptonshire

Discover how Energy Oasis helped a rural farm reduce reliance on fossil fuels and achieve energy security with a 50kW ground mount scheme. Learn about the implementation of tier 1 PV panels, Solaredge Inverters, and the farm's vision for a complete microgrid powered by green energy. Explore how this sustainable solution eliminates power cuts, reduces energy costs, and benefits both the farm's pocket and the planet.

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