Renewable Energy Generation & Storage

Achieve financial and environmental sustainability through Energy Oasis's comprehensive renewable energy generation and storage solutions. Invest with confidence and be part of the transition to a sustainable future.

Renewable generation will dramatically reduce the amount of energy you have to buy from the grid, allow you to sell surplus energy back to the grid, and minimise your carbon consumption. Energy Oasis has been installing renewable energy for over a decade, and our team is full of professionals who have spent the last 20-30 years becoming experts with each of the technologies below. We’re agnostic about which technology is used, we only care that it delivers. Common sense and maths. We take the time to understand each site’s requirements and will tailor every project to deliver the most cost-effective and impactful solution.


Our Services

  • Explore the potential of renewable energy sources with our Net Zero Energy Assessments focused on wind and hydroelectric power. We analyse site-specific data to determine the viability and potential return on investment for your power generation projects.

  • Harness the power of nature with our renewable generation services. Whether you’re interested in solar, wind, hydroelectric power, or anaerobic digestion, we provide tailored solutions that optimise energy production and minimise environmental impact.

  • Ensure reliability and efficiency with our advanced energy storage options. Our Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and hydrogen storage solutions offer flexible and robust methods to store energy, ensuring you can meet demand even when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing.

  • Support the electric vehicle revolution with our EV charging solutions. We provide end-to-end services from planning and installation to maintenance, ensuring seamless integration of EV charging infrastructure into your property.

  • Empower your community with shared energy initiatives, like the Grimsby Community Energy Scheme. Our Net Zero Energy Assessments evaluate the technical and financial aspects of community energy schemes, ensuring they are both viable and beneficial for all stakeholders involved.


Renewable Energy Project Highlights


Why Choose Us

Energy Oasis offers a holistic approach to renewable energy generation, ensuring you have the optimal combination of technology to meet your energy needs. Our team of experts tailors each solution to maximise both financial and environmental benefits. Did you know that businesses can reduce their energy costs by up to 70% with renewable solutions? Why not be part of the change and lead the way toward a sustainable future?


Renewable Energy FAQs

  • Renewable energy reduces reliance on fossil fuels, decreases carbon emissions, and can significantly lower energy costs over time. Want to understand how to minimise the return on investment on renewable energy assets? Read more here.

  • Energy storage systems like BESS and hydrogen capture and store excess energy for use when generation is low, ensuring a reliable supply and optimal use of renewable resources.

  • Key factors include the number of charging points needed, location, power capacity, and future scalability to accommodate growing demand.

  • Absolutely. We design each solution to match your specific energy needs, site conditions, and sustainability goals, ensuring maximum efficiency and benefit.

  • The duration of an assessment can vary depending on the complexity and scope of the project, but typically a few weeks.