Shedding Light on Staff Wellbeing at Norsk Hydro Tibshelf

Norsk Hydro, recognised the need for a dynamic shift in its energy management at its Tibshelf site to create an environment that not only reduced energy use, but significantly contributed to the wellbeing and safety of staff. Energy Oasis, with its expertise in holistic energy management and prior success at the Norsk Hydro Cheltenham site, was chosen as the partner for this project. 

The goal was clear: to transform the workspace and demonstrate unequivocally that caring for the environment and employees' mental health can be integrated into a successful corporate strategy.

The Challenge: Improving the Workspace Environment

The original setup at Tibshelf was largely characterised by outdated lighting systems. This resulted in a working environment that was less than optimal, affecting not only productivity but also the health and safety of the employees.

The Solution: Holistic Energy Management

Energy Oasis installed intelligent LEDs that automatically adjust lighting conditions for maximum comfort and safety of onsite staff. This strategy was developed based on their extensive experience in reducing industrial energy consumption. The lights, made from aluminium produced by the Norsk Hydro Cheltenham branch, promote a circular economy within the company.

The Transformation: A Shining Example of Corporate Strategy

The transformation at the Tibshelf site was dramatic. The before-and-after photos bear testament to this change. From a dimly lit workspace, the site turned into a bright, welcoming environment.

Impact: Prioritising Staff Welfare and Environmental Goals

The change went beyond just visual appeal. It led to improved energy efficiency and created a safer, more comfortable workspace. This significant contribution to staff wellbeing underscores Norsk Hydro's commitment to staff work environment and safety. The Tibshelf project stands as a shining example of how businesses can achieve their environmental goals while also prioritising staff welfare.

Conclusion: Toward a Sustainable Future

At Energy Oasis, we take immense pride in being part of Norsk Hydro's journey to Net Zero. We remain committed to helping businesses plot a sustainable path, fostering transparency, and eliminating energy greenwashing. Our collaboration with Norsk Hydro is a testament to our belief that together, we can create workspaces that truly care for their employees and the planet.


A Decade of Decarbonisation: The Team Behind Our Green Energy Solutions